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Eastern Scotland

Fri 20 Sun 22 June 2025


Lyn Jones
Eastern Scotland
Event Category:

This three-day meeting covers a range of sites in Fife and Angus and can be booked as a whole, or as separate days. During the first two days we will explore two coastal areas of Fife. This will mostly be relatively easy walking without significant climbs. About 6.5 km and up to 12 km on day 2 (though this can be shortened for the less energetic), while the third day in the Angus Glens will be more challenging as it will involve significant mountain walking to an altitude of about 880 m (not quite a Munroe!).

Friday 20th June: South coast of the Kingdom of Fife

Meet at 10.30 at the Kincraig Point car park, Grid Ref: NO46930047; what3words: ///munched.chambers.menswear. This park is on the route to Elie Caravan Park, KY9 1HB. There are no toilets.

For the first day we will explore aspects of the scenic coastal path along the South coast of Fife around Earlsferry and St Monans. Although this is not an area of particularly rare species, there is a good range of coastal habitats from beaches to cliffs, streams and farmland. Walking will generally be along adequate paths. (We will NOT be going along the notorious “chain-walk” along the cliffs here!).


Saturday 21st June: Tentsmuir National Nature Reserve, Leuchars

Meet at 10.00 in the Kinshaldy car park, Grid Ref: NO498242; what3words: ///repeat.trespass.mascots (note £2 in coins required for entry to car park). There are toilets and a café in the car park.

For the second day we will explore Tentsmuir National Nature Reserve and Earlshall Muir SSSI. These are important areas of dune systems showing a complete succession from accreting mobile dunes, through dune slacks and heath, to birch and alder woodland, with some plantation forestry. Among the species that may be found include: Seaside Centuary Centaurium littorale, Sea Pea Lathyrus japonicus, Common Wintergreen Pyrola minor, Blue Fleabane Erigeron acris, Twinflower Linnaea borealis and several orchids including Coralroot Orchid Corallorhiza trifida, Creeping Lady’s-tresses Goodyera repens, Lesser Twayblade Neottia cordata, Broad-leaved Helleborine Epipactis helleborine, Greater Butterfly-orchid Platanthera chlorantha and several Dactylorhiza spp. We may also find other species such as Baltic Rush Juncus balticus, Broad-leaved Meadow-grass Poa chaixii and Pale-yellow Scabious Scabiosa ochroleuca.


Sunday 22nd June: Little Kilrannoch, Caenlochan SSSI, Glen Doll

This is a joint meeting with the BSBI.

Meet at 10.30 at the Glen Doll Car park, Grid. Ref: NO283761; what3words:  ///fast.nuggets.partly. Note that coin payment is required. There are toilets and a visitor centre. I am hopeful of obtaining permission to take a few vehicles the first four km, reducing the walk significantly.

This day is likely to involve some significantly challenging hill-walking over boggy and rocky ground to reach the iconic ultramafic rocks of Little Kilrannoch, with its special population of Alpine Catchfly now Silene suecica, together with Cyphel Cherleria sedoides, Thrift Armeria maritima, Mountain Scurvygrass Cochlearia micacea and the possibly unique, endemic population of Common Mouse-ear Cerastium fontanum ssp. scoticum. On the way up there will be opportunities to find many characteristic Scottish alpine plants including Mountain Sorrel Oxyria digyna and a good range of sedges including Mountain Bog-sedge Carex rariflora and two rare hybrids of Stiff Sedge Carex bigelowii.

To book, contact Janet John wfs.meetings@gmail.com

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