Grants to Wildlife Trusts for Botanical Training for Volunteers. A total of £3650 has been awarded to the following trusts:

BBOWT (Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire WT)
Borders Forest Trust
BCN Wildlife Trust (Beds, Cambs & Northants WT)
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
Dorset Wildlife Trust
Durham Wildlife Trust
Grizedale Arts
Hampshire and IOW WT
Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust
Somerset Wildlife Trust
Staffordshire WT
Warwickshire WT
Wild Dursley
Worcestershire WT

Grants to Wildlife Trusts for Wild Flower Activities for Children and Young People. A total of £3000 has been awarded to the following trusts:

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
Hampshire and IOW WT
Herefordshire WT
Prudhoe Community Partnership (Northumberland Community action)
Sir Harold Hillier Garden (Hampshire)
Staffordshire Moorlands Climate Action
Staffordshire WT
Warwickshire WT
Wiltshire WT

Grants for Research Projects. £1000 has been awarded to the following project:

Teesdale Special Flora Project. A grant to survey the ongoing detailed surveys of the Teesdale Flora. Project Leader Dr Margaret Bradshaw MBE

Grants for Other Projects. £1250 has been awarded to the following projects:

Botanical University Challenge.
Yorkshire Groundsel Recovery Project

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