The Wild Flower Society now has a YouTube channel onto which talks are uploaded. Search “Wild Flower Society” on the YouTube search or, alternatively, go to our website, click on “Events”, then “Online Meetings” and you will find a link to our YouTube channel.
Presenter | Title of Meeting | Day of the week | Month | Date |
Peter LLewellyn | The Wild Flowers of Turkey-a botanical hotspot | Thurs | Jan | 23 |
Chris Metherell | Linnaeus and Botany | Wed | Feb | 26 |
Joe Glentworth and Anna Gilchrist | Rewilding – its effect on the Conservation Movement | Wed | March | 26 |
Lizzie Maddison | Big Heads, Little Flowers | Wed | April | 23 |
Dave Barlow | Urban Botany | Wed | Oct | 8 |
Nick Sturt | What’s Rare in Sussex | Wed | Nov | 12 |
Alison Evans | Ferns and Their Habitats | Wed | Dec | 3 |
The Wild Flowers of Turkey – a botanical hotspot with Peter Llewellyn
Thursday 23rd January 19:00-20:00
Türkiye lies at the junction of Europe and Asia with a flora that overlaps both. The agricultural, urban, mountain and coastal habitats have provided enough variation for the evolution of a flora with more than 12,000 species of flowering wild plants. More species new to science are being discovered every year. This illustrated talk will give a mere glimpse of the variety and stunning nature of just a few of the wild flowers of the region.
Peter Llewellyn is Chair of the Wild Flower Society
Linnaeus and his Contribution to Botany with Chris Metherell
Wednesday 26th February 19.00-20.00
An introduction to Carl Linnaeus the “father of modern Taxonomy” and his system of naming plants and animals- a system we still use today.
Linnaeus believed it was important to construct a comprehensive structure for recording plant type and use. His classification system grew and grew, and soon his contemporaries were sending him specimens for him to name, record and classify.
Chris Metherell is a former President of the BSBI
Rewilding and its effect on the Conservation Movement
with Joe Glentworth and Anna Gilchrist
Wednesday 26th March 19.00-20.00
Rewilding has transformed the conservation movement. Some of the tensions this creates in terms of biodiversity and wildlife management, drawing on global case studies, will be highlighted. Dr Anna Gilchrist is in the process of putting together the first MSc on rewilding, which is very exciting.
Dr Joe Glentworth is Lecturer in Environmental Management and Environmental Science at Sheffield Hallam University and Dr Anna Gilchrist is Lecturer in Environmental Management and Ecology at the University of Manchester
Big Heads Little Flowers with Lizzie Maddison
Wednesday 23rd April 19:00-20:00
A closer look at the carrot family and some comparisons with ‘look- alikes ‘ to help those new to botany. We will explore interesting features of the carrot family and understand why the daisy family can sometimes confuse.
Lizzie Maddison is Chair of the Upper Teesdale Botany Group
Urban Botany with Dave Barlow
Wednesday 8th October 19:00-20:00
This talk is aimed at some common and some rare plants found in urban sites including brownfield sites especially in the Teesside area. An example of a rare find is Green-flowered Helleborine which was found a couple of years ago in the middle of Stockton-on-Tees.
Dave Barlow is the VC Recorder for North East Yorkshire
What’s Rare in Sussex? with Nick Sturt
Wednesday 12th November 19:00-20:00
A gentle stroll around East and West Sussex taking in special plants, some with special stories to tell. The mind has been focused by ongoing work on a new county Rare Plant Register and so apart from these specialities we shall be considering what is rare here but perhaps not elsewhere… and indeed vice versa. The promise of sunny days in the South on a winter evening!
Nick Sturt is Chair of the Sussex Botanical Recording Group.
Ferns and Their Habitats with Alison Evans
Wednesday 3rd December 19:00-20:00
This is a follow-on talk from the Fern ID – let’s get started which Alison gave in 2023 and is available on the WFS YouTube channel. Knowing the range of ferns that you are likely to find in different habitats can help with identification, so this talk will focus on ferns of some more specialised habitats.
Alison is a Vice-President of the British Pteridological Society.