Grants to Wildlife Trusts for Botanical Training for Volunteers. A total of £3650 has been awarded to the following trusts:

Avon Valley Project, Devon Wildlife Trust
BBOWT (Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire WT)
BCN Wildlife Trust (Beds, Cambs & Northants WT)
Dorset Wildlife Trust, Living Churchyards Project
Dorset Wildlife Trust
Durham Wildlife Trust
Gwent Wildlife Trust
Lancashire Wildlife Trust
Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust
Somerset Wildlife Trust
Trent Valley Partnership Scheme, Staffordshire Wildlife Trust

Grants to Wildlife Trusts for Wild Flower Activities for Children and Young People. A total of £1750 has been awarded to the following trusts:

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
Gwent Wildlife Trust
Lancashire Wildlife Trust
Leicester & Rutland Wildlife Trust
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust

Grants for Research Projects. A total of £1750 has been awarded for the following projects:

Teesdale Special Flora Project. A grant to survey the ongoing detailed surveys of the Teesdale Flora. Project Leader Dr Margaret Bradshaw MBE
An MSc project which will examine the potential for restoration of limestone pavements that have lost their distinctive flora due to having been colonised by woodland, by investigating the viability of the seedbank found in the grykes (deep channels) in the limestone pavements
An investigation into the relationship between the abundance of Pea family flower species found in the machair habitat of the Isle of Harris, particularly white clover, red clover, tufted vetch and birds-foot trefoil and bumblebee foraging behaviour.
A Master’s dissertation looking at the impact of various conservation grazing methods on the vegetation at a number of countryside sites.
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