For the first time for many years, we increased the annual subscription to the WFS for 2024. This meant those of you who pay your subscription by standing order needed to update the amount to be paid. The WFS is not able to offer payment by direct debit which allows larger organisations like the National Trust or RSPB to change the amount which they take from your bank account; with standing orders it is you, as payer, who has to change the amount.
Thank you very much to everyone who made the change in time. Unfortunately there were quite a few people who did not do so. If you think that this might include you, please check your bank statement for the first few days of January 2024. If you only paid £10 for an individual or £15 for a joint subscription, there are two things which you need to do.
- Pay the additional amount which is due for 2024 which is £5 for an individual and £7 for a joint subscription. There are three ways of doing this.
a) Go to Join Us page of our website. Click on the box for Top Up Single Subscription or Top Up Joint Subscription and you can pay by card through the Stripe system.
b) If you use online banking, you can make a payment by bank transfer to the account below. Please use your membership number as the reference (it may well already be on your bank’s system if you have a standing order).
c) Send a cheque payable to the Wild Flower Society to WFS Membership Secretary.
2. Change your standing order to the correct amount in good time for January 2025. If you use online banking this should be easy to do. If you don’t, Sue Poyser, our Membership Secretary, can provide a form which can be sent to your bank. You do need to make sure that you don’t end up with two standing orders so, for example if you decide to set up a new standing order from a different account, you will need to cancel the one from the old account.
The new subscription rates (which we expect to stick to for the next few years) are as follows:
Adult member with magazine £15
Adult member sharing magazine £7
Junior member with magazine £5
Junior member sharing magazine £2.50
Family group with magazine £22
Overseas member £22