Exploring wild plants in Britain since 1886

Welcome.   We are a national society for amateur botanists and wild flower lovers in Britain and Ireland. 

During the spring, summer and early autumn months we hold field meetings where local leaders conduct guided walks which show off wild plants in their natural habitats, and now also hold online lectures too.

We help beginners to know their plants.  We use English names as well as scientific Latin names.  Our field trips to interesting habitats reveal interesting plants to improving and expert botanists too.  

All our events are free for members, other than accommodation costs.

Our Aims

From the respect and awareness of plants in their natural surroundings instilled in children, the Wild Flower Society was born and our three aims are:

  • to promote a greater knowledge of field botany among the general public and in particular among young people;
  • to advance education in matters relating to the conservation of wild flowers and of the countryside;
  • to promote the conservation of the British flora.
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