The winner of the 2024 Violet Schwerdt trophy for best picture was Moira Smith with her picture of Wild Basil, Clinopodium vulgare

Class 1 Habitat

1.1 Seaside pavement weeds, Rottingdean. Jane Lowe.
1.2 Bear’s-breeches, Acanthus mollis. Anne Kell
1.3 Bird’s-nest Orchid. Moira Smith
1 Highly Commended. Bluebells in Newton Wood. Gillian Davidson.

Class 2 Plant Portrait

2.1 Wild Basil. Moira Smith
2.2 Goat’s-Beard. Moira Smith
2.3 Small Scabious in fruit. Janet John.
2 Highly Commended. Mountain Pansy. Gillian Davidson.

Class 3 Close-up

3.1 Common Centuary. Moira Smith
3.2 Quaking Grass. Moira Smith
3.3 Marsh Helleborine. Gwyndaf John.
3. Highly Commended. Montbretia, Crocosmia x crocosmiflora. Anne Kell.
3. Highly Commended. Sea Campion. Janet John

Class 4 Foreign Fields

4.1 Dwarf evening primrose, Arches National Park, USA. David Caals
4.2 Prairie sunflower, Arches National Park, USA. David Caals.
4.3 Balsamorhiza sagittata, Arrowleaf Balsamroot, Zion NP. Anne Kell.
4.Highly Commended. Rogeria adenophylla Big Daddy sand dune, Namibia. David Caals.

Class 5 Human Element

5.1 Star of the Show, Perennial Wall Rocket. Janet John.
5.2 Dandelions prioritised over lunch, Meall Mor. David Caals.
5.3 Botany at arms length. Anne Kell
5 Highly Commended. Seeking the Crock of Gold, Meall Mor. David Caals.
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