Spring Hunt, Maldon, Essex
Sun 2 - Sun 2 March 2025
Anne and Dennis Kell
A four-day meeting is planned on a “Come-and-Find” basis to explore some of the plants to be found on Jersey. We will be based in the village of St. Aubin.
Tuesday 13th May: we will meet at 10:00 in the car park at Sands, on Grand Route des Mielles in St. Ouen and head out onto the meadow north of St. Ouen’s Pond. Here we will hope to find Hare’s-tail Lagurus ovatus, Rough Star-thistle Centaurea aspera, Dodder Cuscuta epithymum and Sand Cat’s-tail Phleum arenarium. We will continue to Noir Pre, the Orchid Field, to see Loose-flowered Orchid or Jersey Orchid Anacamptis laxiflora and some Dactylorhiza Orchids, also Yellow Bartsia Parentucellia viscosa and Eyebright Euphrasia arctica x E. confusa. Then we will head onto the coastal strip where Alderney Sea-lavender Limonium normannicum can be found. After lunch, we will head down to Blanche Banques, a sand dune area, where plants to find include Small Hare’s-ear Bupleurum baldense, Sand Catchfly Silene conica, Dwarf Pansy Viola kitaibeliana and Grey Hair-grass Corynephorus canescens.
On one day we will go to Grosnez, where Spotted Cat’s-ear Hypochaeris maculata, Huon’s Fescue Festuca huonii, Kidney Vetch Anthyllis vulneraria and Compact Brome Anisantha madritensis thrive. Next, we move on to see Jersey Pink Dianthus gallicus and Suffocated Clover Trifolium suffocatum. Then onto La Saline where we will see Longleaf Falcaria vulgaris and nearby Tassel Hyacinth Muscari comosum. We will travel further south on the island to see Shore Dock Rumex rupestris.
On the last day we will travel to different locations to find Japanese Shield-fern Polystichum polyblepharum, Southern Marigold or Huacatay Tagetes minuta and Jersey Fern Anogramma leptophylla. We will then move onto the sandy strip alongside the Royal Jersey Golf Club, where we will find Bastard-toadflax Thesium humifusum, Childing Pink Petrorhagia nanteuilii, Jersey Thrift Armeria arenaria and Small-flowered Catchfly Silene gallica.
One day will be a day trip to Sark. The time table for the Manche Illes ferry is not out yet, so the day will be decided nearer the time. The special plant to see on Sark is Narrow-leaved Cudweed Logfia gallica.
More details from: Anne Haden hadenanne@gmail.com
or Alli Singleton allisingleton66@gmail.com
To book, contact Janet John wfs.meetings@gmail.com